New Publication on Applied Physics Letters

2021-05-15 15:20

The spin–orbit torques (SOTs) induced by spin currents in the heavy metal/ferromagnet (HM/FM) bilayer are of great importance for enabling nonvolatile, low power consumption spintronics. In the standard HM/FM bilayers, only the spin current at the interface is employed for implementing SOTs. Another part of the spin current with the opposite spin polarization, which is generated at the opposite side of the HM layer, is supposably not put into action. Here, we will show the experimental feasibility of utilizing spin currents from the dual surfaces of the HM Pt layer. In particular, through synthesizing perpendicularly magnetized /Pt/ trilayers, we demonstrate that spin currents at the dual surfaces of the Pt layer can be simultaneously used to deterministically switch the perpendicular magnetization vectors of the neighboring Fe1-xTbx layers, through the current-induced SOTs. Based on the second …