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Amesytec-MPR-16 16 channels pre-amp for semi-conduct detectors. Bias voltage < 400V. Dynamic<100Mev. Available for vacuum use.
CAEN-N568b 16 channels Main amplifier
CAEN-N979 16 channels fast amplifier
ORTEC-855 2 chs, main amplifier
CAEN-N914 8 Fold Charge Preamp / Discriminator & Linear Fan-In

CAEN-V785n/V785a 16/32 channels peaks sensitive ADC
CAEN-V2718 VME crate controller
CAEN-A2818 A PCI card, which allows a PC connect a module via a optical fiber.
CAEN-V1495 A General purpose VME Module using FPGA.
CAEN-V1720 Flash ADC: 8 Chs, 12 Bit, 250MB/s
Philips-7187 16 chs, TDC based on CAMAC
Philips-7164 16 chs, ADC based on CAMAC

Amesytec-MHV-4 Four Channel 400/100V Detector Bias Supply; I<20uA; Polarity select for each ch;
CAEN-N1470 4 Channels, V<8000V, I<3mA, W<9w.
ORTEC-660 2 Channels, 0–5 kV or 0–500 V at 0–100 μA

ORTEC-CF8000 8chs, Constant-Fraction Discriminator
ORTEC-CO4020 4chs, General-purpose logic module for AND, OR, Veto, Fan-Out, and Gating functions
ORTEC-GG8020 8chs, For adjusting the delay and width of coincidence and gating pulses
CAEN-N625 4chs, Fan in/Fan out for Analog signal
CAEN-N405 3chs
CAEN-N89 8 NIM-TTL, 8 TTL-NIM translator channels
CAEN-N93b Manual or pulse triggered START (NIM or ECL input),NIM and ECL output pulses from 50 ns to 10 s
CAEN-N843 16 Channel Constant Fraction Discriminator

Physics Department
Tsinghua University
Beijing, 100084 China
Phone: 86 10 6278 6629
Fax: 86 10 6278 1604
Last modified on 28-January-2015