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[ Research Interests ] [ Project List ] |
Research Interests: Our research interest covers a variety of areas in experimental heavy ion physics. | |
1, Asymmetric nuclear equation of state | |
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The nuclear equation of state (EOS) of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter at both sub- and supra-saturation densities, i.e. , the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy Esys(ρ) is very important in both nuclear physics and astrophysics. However it is still subjected to one of the most unknown quantities in nuclear physics. Experimental constraining of Esys(ρ) depends on the observables and the model connecting the observables and the EOS, and thus remains challenging to the field. For the Esys(ρ) at supra-saturation, charged pion ratio is one of the promising probes and a circumstantial evidence of a soft Esys(ρ) has been preliminarily obtained. However, there is not yet consistent conclusion so far. We are looking for the optimized experimental conditions and preparing the further experiments proposed at the national grand scientific project HIRFL-CSR (Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou Cooling Storage Ring)….
   For the sub-saturation densities. A lots of probes have been identified. Combined, all these probes yields a certain constraint to the symmetry energy. However, a well specified uncertainty is still required. Experimental searches on the long timescale effect of the symmetry energy is still of interest. We are doing heavy ion reactions at Fermi energies to look further for the symmetry energy effects… |
2,Research and development of tracking detectors | |
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New physics needs new instruments. For all the physical activities, two kinds of tracking detector are under development in my lab. One is the multi wire drift chamber (MWDC) and the other is the planar gaseous electron multiplication (GEM) detector. The latter is also proposed as part of the tracking detectors on the SOLID experiment, which is mainly dedicated in the researches of the spin structure of nucleon at Jefferson LAB in U.S. This would be our long term interests of instrumentation related to the experimental research based on modern accelerator.
   Modern Monte-Carlo simulation of the advanced detectors is also one of our major involvements in detector research and developments. Particularly, an external target experiment at HIRFL-CSR, briefly as CEE, has been proposed and a pre-CEE collaboration has been formed for the low temperature and high baryon density QCD matter studies. |
3,Nuclear High Spin States Studies | |
   Making use of the 13 MeV Tendem at CIAE, we also perform some fusion evaporation experiments to populate high spin states of some specifically selected nuclides. By measuring the decay gamma rays in coincidence, we are able to establish the nuclear gamma bands and look into various features of the highly excited nuclei, including the interplay of single particle motion and collective motion, the shape co-existence and the shape vibrations... | |
4,Instrumentation in nuclear energy science | |
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   Recently the modular pebble bed reactor (MPBR) draws great attention for its inherent safety and is considered as one of the next generation reactors. In the future reactor, the fuel balls undergo a multi-pass circulation. A non-destructive determination of the element burn-up is desired to provide an online circulation/discharge judgment on a pebble-by-pebble basis. A recommended way is to measure the gamma activities of the labeling nuclide. We have established a gamma spectrometer for this application and a user interface between the spectrometer and the control system. Many researches related to this application are ongoing… |
Project List | ||||
Title of the Project | Source | Period | Activities | |
10 | Isospin effect on the neck emission in fast fission and the symmetry energy at subsaturation densities | National Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-11375094 | 2014.1-2017.12 | Person In-charge(PI) |
9 | Experimental studies on properties of asymmetric nuclear matter with the external target experiment at CSR | NSFC-U1332207 | 2014.1-2017.12 | Participant |
8 | Experimental study on the symmetry energy at suprasatulation densities | Tsinghua U. | 2010.7-2013.06 | PI |
7 | Experimental measurement of forward pi-/pi+ ratio in C+C and Xe+CsI at 300MeV/u | NSFC 11079025 | 2011.1-2013.12 | PI |
6 | Pion Emission and the asymmetrical nuclear equation of state in HIRFL-CSR energy region | NSFC 10975083 | 2010.1-2012.12 | PI |
5 | Dynamic effects on the clustering in relativistic heavy ion collisions | NSFC 10675148 | 2007.1-2009.12 | PI |
4 | Simulation and analysis platform for Hadron Physics Lanzhou Spectrometer (HPLUS) | NSFC 10635080 | 2007.1-2010.12 | Participant |
3 | Burn-up determination of fule element with gamma spectrometer | INET | 2008.12-2010.12 | PI |
2 | Influence of isospin on time scale and sequence of particle emission | NSFC 10205020 | 2003.1-2005.12 | PI |
1 | Radioactive Ion Beam Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics | National Basic Research Program of China (973) | 2007.1-2011.12 | Participant |
Phone: 86 10 6278
Fax: 86 10 6278 1604 Last modified on 28-January-2015 |