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Title:     基于兰州放射性束流线的弹性散射实验研究
Speaker:     王建松 研究员
Time:     2015年6月11日(周四) 15:00
Venue:     理科楼 C302
Abstract: 兰州放射性束流线(Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou, RIBLL)于1997年建成,是目前国内研究放射性束物理的主要实验平台之一。RIBLL可以提供能量小于100MeV/u,质量数小于100的几百种放射性束流。 本报告的主要内容是介绍我们研究小组近几年在RIBLL上开展的关于B,C等系列丰质子同位素核的弹性散射实验研究。弹性散射是核反应中最基本一个反应道,但是却包含了认识原子核结构及核力性质所需要的丰富信息,人们对原子核的结构认识就始于卢瑟福散射,即α粒子的弹性散射。我们研究组在RIBLL上建立了一套可以精确测量放射性束弹性散射微分截面角分布的实验方法,并且首次测量了入射能量在3倍库仑位垒附近的8,10B和9,10,11C与铅靶弹性散射微分截面角分布。我们的实验数据与单折叠式势和耦合道模型计算相符合,为提取丰质子原子核的光学模型势提供参考。我们还发现了丰质子核弹性散射的一些奇特现象,例如在丰质子核中的弹性散射中,破裂道耦合效应对弹性散射微分截面角分布的影响很小,质子晕核8B,9C的弹性散射微分截面角分布在库仑虹角区域没有明显的压低现象,这些现象都与丰中子核和中子晕核的表现不同,可能与原子核的结构相关,需要在理论和实验上作进一步的深入研究。

Title:     LCTPC中的径迹重建算法
Speaker:     李波 博士
                    (Tsinghua U.)
Time:     2015年5月26日(周二) 14:30
Venue:     理科楼 C302
Abstract: 作为未来国际直线对撞机(ILC)上的径迹探测器,时间投影室(TPC)的性能对物理测量精度具有重要意义。 报告首先简要介绍ILC上时间投影室的结构以及研究进展,然后介绍在当前的LCTPC原型机研究和物理研究中所使用的寻迹算法以及径迹拟合软件包KalTest。KalTest基于Kalman fiter算法,其中的非均匀磁场下径迹拟合功能已经实现,将被用于ILC探测器的优化研究中。
Title:     Standard Model Physics and Beyond with Meson Decays
Speaker:     Prof. Dr. David Mack for the JEF/GlueXcollaboration
                    (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
Time:     2015年4月17日(周五)15:00
Venue:     理科楼 C302
Abstract: Commissioning of the GlueX detector is in progress in Hall D at the upgraded Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia. Although the main mission of GlueX is to use a linearly polarized, 9 GeV photon beam to search for anticipated gluon-quark hybrid mesons, it is also an impressive factory for light mesons. The η(548) is of particular interest as it provides a laboratory to study isospin violation, and to search for laboratory evidence of dark sector particles as well as new, flavor-conserving sources of C and CP violation. Our experimental program will begin with the relatively common η->π+π-π0 branch (~23%) to better determine the light quark mass ratio. A spin-off of the precise new Dalitz distribution for this branch will be improved direct constraints on C violating, P conserving interactions. Ultimately, we need to upgrade the forward calorimeter from lead glass to lead tungstate to search for lepto-phobic dark matter by the reaction ηγ+B γ+(π0γ). This decay would appear as a bump in the Dalitz plot for the allowed but rare decay ηπ02γ. The increased sensitivity of the lead tungstate calorimeter will allow us to extend searches for C violating, P conserving interactions to η3γ and η2π0γ.
Title:     Importance of Tensor Forces in Nuclei
Speaker:     Prof. Isao Tanihata(古畑勇夫)
                    (大阪大学/北京航空航天大学 教授)
Time:     2014年10月20日(周三) 15:00
Venue:     理科楼 C302
Abstract: Pion exchange interaction that is the most important interaction for binding nuclei has the tensor forces with the same amplitude as the central forces. However, except for very light nuclei such as deuteron and 4He, the tensor forces have not been included explicitly for making models of nuclei. The most successful models of nuclei such as shell model or mean field model uses only central forces in the basic interaction and tensor forces are treated as perturbation.
    Recent studies of nuclei in wide range of A/Z present a behavior thatcan be explained only by the inclusion of tensor forces. In this talk importance of tensor forces in nuclei are first reviewed and then the recent studies to observe direct evidences of tensor forces will be presented.
Title:     原子核中的自旋与同位旋物理——原子核同位旋激发
Speaker:     梁豪兆
                    (日本理化学研究所 RIKEN)
Time:     2014年10月15日(周三) 16:00
Venue:     理科楼 C302
Abstract: 原子核是由质子和中子组成的微观量子多体系统,代表物质结构的一个基本层次。理论预言存在的八千多个原子核中,目前仅观察到约三千个,这极 大地推动了对原子核未知特性的探索。随着世界范围内实验装置的建造与升级以及理论模型的不断完善,原子核物理研究不仅大大加深了人们对原子核自身 结构及其反应机制的认识,还与天体物理、粒子物理等研究领域相紧密联系。一个很好的例子就是对于原子核同位旋激发的研究探索。
   原子核同位旋激发是指具有相同质量数的原子核之间的跃迁。此类激发不仅可以揭示核介质中有效强相互作用的自旋与同位旋性质,也是间接提取原子 核中子皮厚度、给出中子星质量和半径等信息的重要手段,同时还在奇特原子核β衰变、宇宙元素合成、中微子核反应、标准模型检验等研究中起重要作用。
   基于完整包含交换项的原子核协变密度泛函理论,我们自主建立了完全微观自洽的无规位相近似,克服了原有协变密度泛函理论在统一描述原子核基态 及其同位旋激发方面的困难,首次给出原子核Gamow-Teller、自旋偶极共振等同位旋激发模式的相对论微观自洽描述,并发现同位旋标量介子的交换项在其 中起决定性作用这一新的物理机制。
   本报告在简要介绍原子核协变密度泛函理论后,将围绕原子核同位旋激发的自洽描述与预言、丰中子原子核β衰变及其对快中子俘获元素合成的影响、 以及标准模型Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa矩阵幺正性检验等展开讨论。
Title:     New Opportunity for RIB Physics in Korea: RAON
Speaker:     Prof. ByungsikHong
                    Korea University, Seoul, Korea
Time: 2014年8月14日(周四)17:00    
Venue:     理科楼B315
Abstract: The new Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) has been launched in Korea in 2011. The core of RISP is to design and construct the rare isotope accelerator, RAON, and the user facilities. For the nuclear physics experiments at RAON, the recoil spectrometer and the large acceptance multipurpose spectrometer are being designed. The KOrea Broad acceptance Recoil spectrometer and Apparatus (KOBRA) is dedicated to the nuclear structure and the nuclear astrophysics with low-energy beams up to 18.5 MeV/nucleon. It is a double achromatic focusing system with the two Wien filters and many magnets. The KOBRA will study the structure of exotic nuclei near the drip lines and various astrophysical processes such as r-, s-, and rp-processes, using cross sections, the transfer reactions, and the decay measurements. The Large Acceptance Multipurpose Spectrometer (LAMPS) is dedicated to study the properties of nuclear matter. One of the major goals for LAMPS is to investigate the nuclear equation of state and the symmetry energy in wide range of the beam energy. For this purpose the charged hadrons, nuclear fragments, and neutrons should be measured precisely in large phase space. The LAMPS intends to achieve this requirement by combining the solenoid and dipole magnet spectrometers. This presentation will provide an overview of the objects for the nuclear physics program at RISP. The current status of the KOBRA and LAMPS spectrometers with their future prospects will be also discussed.
Title:     Wobbling motion and chiral symmetry breaking in neutron-rich Ru and Pd isotopes
Speaker:     Prof. Yi-Xiao Luo
                    Vanderbilt Univ./Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., USA
Time:     2014年4月9日(周三) 16:30
Venue:     理科楼B315
Abstract: This talk will present the experimental discoveries and theoretical interpretations of the wobbling motions and chiral symmetry breaking in neutro-rich Ru and Pd isotopes. The maximal triaxial deformationis reached in a neutron number of 68,Ru-112 and Pd-114, four neutrons more than the calculations.
Title:     Nucleon Correlations: From Stable to Unstable Nuclei
Speaker:     Dr. Jenny Lee
                    (RIKEN Nishina Center/The University of Hong Kong)
Time:     14:30, Mar. 10, 2014 (Monday)
Abstract: Nuclear Physics aims at understanding the fundamental properties of the constituents of matter. These are essential to our understanding of the origin and evolution of elements in the universe. Most of the stable nuclei found on earth are created from the decay of unstable nuclei in the stars. The availability of short-lived nuclei produced at the radioactive-isotope beam (RIB) facilities worldwide in recent years have advanced our knowledge on the limits of nuclear stabilities and the properties of rare nuclei with very unusual proton-to-neutron compositions. New phenomena, such as emergence of new magic numbers, neutron halos and skin, have been discovered in nuclei far from stability, and more discoveries are expected with the new generation of RIB accelerators including RIKEN Nishina Center (Japan) and other facilities under construction in US, France and Germany. To understand the new properties of these unstable isotopes, it is essential to obtain a detailed knowledge of correlations between nucleons and the transitions in correlation mechanisms from the stability to instability. In this talk, Jenny will present experimental methods and frameworks established by their group to probe nucleon correlations at the world’s leading facilities, especially at RIKEN. She will also show their recent experimental results and future plans.
Title:     Probingg y the high density EOS of nuclear and neutron rich matter with relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Speaker:     Dr. Yvonne Leifels
                    (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenphysik)(德国重离子研究中心)
Time:     15:00, Jan. 6, 2014 (Monday)
Abstract: Understanding the nuclear matter equation of state (EOS) is of fundamental importance in many areas of nuclear physics and astrophysics. The nuclear matter EOS is usually divided into a symmetric matter part independent of isospin asymmetry and an isospin term, also quoted as symmetry energy Esym. In the laboratory, the high density dependence of the nuclear EOS and in particular the symmetry energy can only be studied by means of heavy ion collisions, as in the course of such a collision nuclear matter undergoes compression an expansion phases. In the energy range accessible to the SIS accelerator (0.1- 1.5AGeV) at GSI, Darmstadt, nuclear matter is compressed up to 3ρ0. A multitude of observables have been studied as a function of system size and beam energy – as a follow-up of the pioneering work done at the Heavy Ion accelerator at Berkeley. Despite these studies are limited to stable beams, the investigation of isospin pairs, i.e. π-/π+, t/3He may give access to the symmetry energy at high densities. Experimental observables will be discussed which are predicted to constrain nuclear matter properties by microscopic transport models. Emphasis will be given to the symmetry energy which is the most relevant connection between neutron stars and heavy ion collisions.
Title:     Looking into spinning proton inside a nutshell
Speaker:     Dr. Jin Huang
                    Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Time:     15:00, Aug. 22, 2013 (Thursday)
Abstract: The mass of the visible universe is dominated by the mass of nucleons (protons and neutrons), which in turn stems from the gluon quantum field and the interaction between gluons and quarks. However, this fundamental structure of matter is still not fully understood. Experimentally, we can study the inner clock working of nucleons using hard scatterings, including deep inelastic lepton-nucleon scattering (DIS) and high energy nucleon-nucleon collisions. New generation of experiments, which are sensitive to both the spin and motion of quarks and gluons, reveal novel information on the nucleon structure. Two complementary experimental programs will be discussed in this seminar: DIS experiments using the state-of-the-arts polarized He-3 targets at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, and recent-to-future upgrade of the Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment (PHENIX) at Brookhaven National Lab.
Title:     Isobaric yield ratio (IYR) and related parameters
Speaker:     马春旺 教授
Time:     2013年5月7日 (周二) 上午10:00
Venue:     理科楼三楼报告厅 C302
Abstract: 报告基于修改的Fisher模型,讨论重离子核反应中利用等量异位素产额比研究余核的对称能系数,中子质子化学势差与温度比(Δμ/T),温度的方法和一些结果
Title:     The structure of nulcei around 100Sn
Speaker:     Dr. Chong Qi
                    Department of Physics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Time:     14:00, Apr. 2, 2013 (Tuesday)
Venue:     Room C302, Department of Physics (理科楼三楼报告厅)
Abstract:     In this talk I would like to address a few issues regarding the seniority structure of nuclei around 100Sn. In particular, I will show that the seniority symmetry is dynamically conserved in j=9/2 shells irrespective of type of interaction. This may be a unique phenomenon for nuclear physics, which is characterized by large spin-orbit coupling. The collectivity in Sn isotopes may be enhanced by the mutual effect of seniority and pesudospin symmetry. Moreover, I will show for systems with equal number of protons and neutrons, the seniority coupling is broken and, as a result, a new form of spin-aligned proton-neutron pair coupling is favored. It should be mentioned that all these works are done in collaboration with or inspired by experimentalists in Stockholm and other groups.
Title:     ImQMD模型在核子-核反应中的应用
Speaker:     Dr. 欧立
Time:     9:30, Oct. 22, 2012 (Thursday)
Venue:     Room B406, Department of Physics (理科楼B406会议室)
Abstract:     基于ImQMD模型,我们结合统计衰变模型研究了中能质子散裂反应,很好地再现了产物的质量、电荷、同位素分布及出射中子双微分截面等核数据。以核子-核反应为平台,我们研究了核物质对称能、核子-核子散射截面的介质修正、中子皮厚度等当前核物理领域的热点问题。
Title:     量子分子动力学模型的改进及其在重离子熔合反应中的应用
Speaker:     Prof. 王宁
Time:     9:30, Oct. 22, 2012 (Thursday)
Venue:     Room B406, Department of Physics (理科楼B406会议室)
Abstract:     量子分子动力学模型是一个半经典的微观动力学输运模型。通过结合Skyrme能量密度泛函及相空间占有数约束等改进措施,该模型在描述低能以及中高能重离子核反应等方面取得了一定的成功。基于改进的量子分子动力学模型,我们研究了近垒重离子熔合反应的动力学机制,同时探索了原子核状态方程等对核-核相互作用势的影响。
Title:     原子核手征性的研究进展概述
Speaker:     Prof. 张双全
                    Peking University
Time:     10:00, Oct. 18, 2012 (Thursday)
Venue:     Room B406, Department of Physics (理科楼B406会议室)
Abstract:     手征性在自然界中普遍存在。原子核中的手征性概念于1997年由Frauendorf和孟杰提出,并预言其实验信号——手征双重带,随后成为核物理研究中的热点问题之一。2001年美国和欧洲的科学家首先在质量数A=130核区报道了手征双重带,此后科学家相继在A=80,100,190等核区发现了手征双重带。本报告将简要回顾原子核手征研究的历史,介绍最新的理论和实验研究进展,包括原子核的手征振动和手征转动,A=80核区手征带的实验探索,以及多重手征带等。
Title:     Nuclear Incompressibility, the Asymmetry Term, and the MEM Effect
Speaker:     Prof. Umesh Garg
                    University of Notre Dame/Peking University
Time:     15:00, Apr. 24, 2012 (Tuesday)
Venue:     Room D203, Department of Physics(理科楼 D203 会议室)
Abstract:     The Nuclear Incompressibility parameter is one of three important components characterizing the nuclear equation of state. It has crucial bearing on diverse nuclear and astrophysical phenomena, including radii of neutron stars, strength of supernova collapse, emission of neutrinos in supernova explosions, and collective flow in medium- and high-energy nuclear collisions. In this talk I will review current status of the research on direct experimental determination of nuclear incompressibility via the compressional-mode giant resonances. In particular, recent measurements on a series of Sn and Cd isotopes have provided an "experimental" value for the asymmetry term of nuclear incompressibility. We also find that the GMR centroid energies of the in both Sn and Cd isotopes are significantly lower than the theoretical predictions, pointing to the role of superfluidity and the MEM (Mutual Enhancement of Magicity) Effect.
Title:     原子核超允许beta跃迁与CKM矩阵幺正性检验
Speaker:     Dr. 梁豪兆
                    Peking University
Time:     10:30, Oct. 13, 2011 (Thursday)
Venue:     Room B315, Department of Physics(理科楼B315会议室)
Abstract:     Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa(CKM)矩阵表征夸克弱相互作用本征态与质量本征态之间的变换,CKM 矩阵的幺正性对检验标准模型具有重要意义。通过原子核超允许beta跃迁精确给出Vud 矩阵元并验证CKM 矩阵幺正性已成为粒子物理与原子核物理交叉领域的重要问题。该报告基于新发展的协变密度泛函理论——包含交换项的相对论Hartree-Fock 理论,以及建立在此基础上的自洽无规相位近似方法,简要介绍该方法在原子核超允许beta 跃迁的同位旋修正和CKM 矩阵幺正性验证等方面的应用。
Title:     Introduction to Geant4 simulation tool, GEMC
Speaker:     Dr. Zhiwen Zhao (赵志文)
                    University of Virginia
Time:     14:00, Aug. 31, 2011 (Wednesday)
Venue:     Room B315, Department of Physics(理科楼B315会议室)
Abstract:     GEMC(GEant4 and Mont Carlo) is a detector simulation framework, based on Geant4, is adopted by Solid collaborator for the simulation of SoLid. GEMC is originally developed for CLAS12. And its configuration data is stored in Mysql database, so the knowledge of C++ and Geant4 is not so nervously needed...
Title:     How could quarks tell left from right ?
Speaker:     Dr. Xiaodong Jiang
                    Los Alamos National Laboratory
Time:     14:00,Aug 4,2011 (Wednesday)
Venue:     Room B315, Department of Physics(理科楼B315会议室)
Abstract:     Amazingly, quarks can figure out the difference between left and right in a transversely polarized nucleon in parity-conserving interactions. When probed by a high energy beam, the remnants of a fragmented quark would pick a favorite side, either left or right, depends on the flavor of the initial hit quark. We recently carried out the first deep-inelastic scattering experiment using a 6 GeV electron beam on a transversely polarized neutron target (3He) at the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, and detected charged pions out of the remnants of the hard scattering. Indeed, we found out that quarks have a favorite side to pick. The final results of the experiment will be presented, and future experiments with the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade will be discussed.
Title:     Coalescence model for particle production in heavy ion collisions
Speaker:     Prof. Lie-Wen Chen (陈列文)
                    Shanghai Jiaotong University
Time:     15:0, May. 13, 2011 (Friday)
Venue:     Room C302, Department of Physics(理科楼C302会议室)
Abstract:     Coalescence model provides a useful tool to describe particle production in heavy ion collisions at different energy regions. In this talk, I shall show how this model works for light nucleus (d,t,3He) production in heavy ion collisions at low energies (around 100 MeV/u) and hadron (including exotic multi-quark states) production (hadronization) from quark gluon plasma possibly formed in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collision at RHIC/LHC energies.
Title:     Theoretic studies on nuclear matter and finite nuclei(核物质和有限核的一些理论研究)
Speaker:     Dr. WU Chen (吴琛)
                    Nanjing University
Time:     16:00, May. 06, 2011 (Friday)
Venue:     Room C302, Department of Physics(理科楼C302会议室)
Title:     Probing the Equation of State of Neutron-Rich Nuclear Matter with Heavy-Ion Reactions
Speaker:     Prof. Bao-An Li(Texas A&M University-Commerce)
Time:     Dec. 23 (Thursday), 10:00
Venue:     Room C302, Department of Physics(理科楼C302会议室)
Abstract:     Heavy-ion reactions, especially those induced by radioactive beams, provide a unique opportunity to probe the Equation of State (EOS) of neutron-rich nuclear matter in terrestrial nuclear laboratories. The isospin-dependent part of the EOS, i.e., the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy, is still rather poorly known especially at supra-saturation densities. However, it is very important for many interesting phenomena in both astrophysics and nuclear physics. In this talk, I shall first discuss why the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy is currently very uncertain at supra-saturation densities and what fundamental physics we can learn from studying the symmetry energy. Some recent progress and main challenges of constraining the high-density symmetry energy will then be discussed. Finally, some astrophysical implications of the currently partially constrained nuclear symmetry energy will be presented
Title:     核物理与绿色核能源
Speaker:     李兴中 教授(Tsinghua University)
Time:     10:00, Dec. 14, 2010(Tuessday)
Venue:     Room C302, Department of Physics(理科楼C302会议室)
Abstract:    半个多世纪来成熟的核物理知识主要是在加速器问世后积累的。当入射粒子的 能量远低于加速器运行的能量时,有可能出现新的现象。采用普适的恒等式对于八个主要的 热核聚变截面数据的分析,确认了选择性共振隧穿模型的有效:即有可能借助共振来隧穿库 伦位垒,并选出不伴随中子和伽马辐射的低能核聚变反应;进而解释吸氢(氘)金属中出现 的异常现象:量热学实验中出现的大量“过热”,虽然已远远超出“化学反应热”,却不伴随着 大量中子和伽马辐射。因此,核物理的基础研究有可能为绿色核能源探索新路。
  在研究热能中子和重核裂变时建立的复合核模型,将核反应分成独立的两个阶段,复合核 形成与衰变互不影响。将此概念搬用到热能质子和轻核聚变就会导致误判。为了寻找热能质 子和轻核聚变的共振态必须完整地考虑热能质子的波动性,并将复合态的形成与衰变看成互 相影响的隧穿和核反应过程。
  以“质子+锂 6”的聚变反应截面为例,论证了:存在着低能共振能级。并用中,美,日三 国样品在硅谷实验室质谱分析的结果加以佐证: 同位素丰度比(Li7/Li6)出现了预期的变化。
   选择性共振隧穿所选出的“氘-氘”长寿命共振态必定会引起“氘-氘-氘”三体反应的几率大 大增加,这已在美、日实验室中观察到了。
Title:     相对论重离子碰撞中的部分子输运
Speaker:     徐喆 博士(Frankfurt University)
Time:     10:00, Dec. 07, 2010(Tuessday)
Venue:     Room 2315, Department of Physics(理科楼2315会议室)
Title:     Futher Spin Physics at JLAB
Speaker:     Haiyan Gao (Duke University)
Time:     Nov. 17 (Wednesday), 10:00
Venue:     Room 2315, Department of Physics(理科楼2315会议室)
Abstract:     The 6-GeV spin physics program at JLab has enjoyed great success ranging from the well-known results on the proton electric-to magnetic form factor ratio, measurements of the strange quark form factors from parity violation electron scattering, measurements of nucleon longitudinal spin structure function, to the initial investigations of the transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions and the generalized parton distributions. The upcoming 12-GeV spin program will extend the success of the 6-GeV program to the next level. Looking beyond the 12-GeV era, a new initiative on Electron Ion Collider is being actively pursued in the U.S. In this talk, I will discuss future spin physics program with such a new facility. This work is supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-FG02-03ER41231.
Title1:     Nuclear matter properties at T>>1, ρ≠ρ0 and Intermediate heavy ion reaction
Title2:     IMP_AMDvsQMD
Speaker:     R. Wada (Texas A&M University)
Time:     Nov. 15 (Monday), 15:00
Venue:     Room 2315, Department of Physics(理科楼2315会议室)
Abstract:     Recent results from intermediate heavy ion collisions, 64,70Zn,64Ni + 58,64Ni, 112,124Sn, 197Au and 232Th at 40 A MeV, are summarized, focusing on the properties of hot nuclear matter, especially on the symmetry energy and the power law isotope yield distribution. Reaction dynamics are studied with AMD+GEMINI simulations and the effects of the secondary cooling process on these properties are carefully examined. The experimentally observed isotope yields are corrected by the observed secondary effects in order to get the distribution at the time of their formation. The corrected distribution indicates that the primary isotopes show a power law distribution with its exponent value of tau~2.3, indicating that the emitting source is at or near the critical point.
Title:     丰中子核的衰变与核结构
Speaker:     华辉(北京大学)
Time:     10:00, Nov. 9, 2010 (Tuesday)
Place:     Room 3302, Department of Physics(理科楼3302会议室)
Abstract:     介绍研究丰中子核b衰变通常采用的实验研究方法; 结合北京大学研究小组所建造的实验探测设备,介绍目前国际几个大实验室的研究设备; 对国际上通过b衰变研究核结构所取得的成果进行简要概述。
Title:     Nuclear Mass Measurement
Speaker:     Prof. Jin Gen-Ming(Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
Time:     14:00, Sept. 28, 2010 (Tuesday)
Place:     Room 3302, Department of Physics(理科楼3302会议室)
Abstract:     Precise determination of nuclear mass is of extreme importance for understanding the static properties of atomic nuclei as well as many stellar processes happened in the remote sky. Recently, with the newly built cooling storage ring on the Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou (HIRFL), the second one of the same type in the world, scientists have developed the state-of-art experimental method to extend the precise mass measurement to amount of nuclei far from the stability line. The recent progress and the impact of the mass measurement to the field will be reported.
Title:     ImQMD model and its application
Speaker:     李祝霞(CIAE)
Time:     11:30,July 17,2010(Thursday)
Place:     Room 2315, Department of Physics(理科楼2315会议室)
Title:     利用重离子碰撞确定对称能密度依赖形式
Speaker:     张英逊(CIAE)
Time:     10:30,July 17,2010(Thursday)
Place:     Room 2315, Department of Physics(理科楼2315会议室)
Title:     库仑位垒附近到1 A GeV能区重离子碰撞动力学
Speaker:     冯兆庆(IMP,CAS)
Time:     16:30,April 14,2010(Wednesday)
Place:     Room 3302, Department of Physics(理科楼3302会议室)
Title:     超重核形成机制的研究
Speaker:     李君清(IMP,CAS)
Time:     15:30,April 14,2010(Wednesday)
Place:     Room 3302, Department of Physics(理科楼3302会议室)
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Last modified on 28-January-2015