
Submitted/In press

Discovery of terahertz-frequency orbitally-coupled magnons in a kagome ferromagnet.
Mengqian Che, Weizhao Chen, Maoyuan Wang, F. Michael Bartram, Liangyang Liu, Xuebin Dong, Jinjin Liu, Yidian Li, Hao Lin, Zhiwei Wang, Enke Liu, Yugui Yao, Zhe Yuan, Guang-Ming Zhang* and Luyi Yang*
(under review)

Ultrafast Dynamics of Bilayer and Trilayer Nickelate Superconductors.
Y. D. Li, Y. T. Cao, L. Y. Liu, P. Peng, H. Lin, C. Y. Pei, M. X. Zhang, H. Wu, X. Du, W. X. Zhao, K. Y. Zhai, J. K. Zhao, M.-L. Lin, P. H. Tan, Y. P. Qi, G. Li*, H. J. Guo*, Luyi Yang* and L. X. Yang*
(under review)





Journal Info



Ultrafast spin dynamics in the proximate quantum spin liquid α-RuCl3

Haochen Zhang, Subin Kim, Young-June Kim, Hae-Young Kee, and Luyi Yang*

Phys. Rev. B 110, L081111 (2024)

Editors' Suggestion


Fabrication-induced even-odd discrepancy of magnetotransport in few-layer MnBi2Te4

Yaoxin Li, Yongchao Wang, Zichen Lian, Hao Li, Zhiting Gao, Liangcai Xu, Huan Wang, Rui’e Lu, Longfei Li, Yang Feng, Jinjiang Zhu, Liangyang Liu, Yongqian Wang, Bohan Fu, Shuai Yang, Luyi Yang, Yihua Wang, Tianlong Xia, Chang Liu, Shuang Jia, Yang Wu, Jinsong Zhang, Yayu Wang, and Chang Liu

Nature Communications 15, 3399 (2024)


Electrical 180o switching of Néel vector in spin-splitting antiferromagnet

Lei Han, Xizhi Fu, Rui Peng, Xingkai Cheng, Jiankun Dai, Liangyang Liu, Yidian Li, Yichi Zhang, Wenxuan Zhu, Hua Bai, Yongjian Zhou, Shixuan Liang, Chong Chen, Qian Wang, Xianzhe Chen, Luyi Yang, Yang Zhang, Cheng Song, Junwei Liu, and Feng Pan

Science Advances 10, eadn0479 (2024)


Revealing unusual bandgap shifts with temperature and bandgap renormalization effect in phase-stabilized metal halide perovskite thin films

Haochen Zhang#, Zhixuan Bi#, Zehua Zhai#, Han Gao, Meng Ye, Xuanzhang Li, Haowen Liu, Yuegang Zhang, Hairen Tan*, Yong Xu*, and Luyi Yang*

Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2302214 (2024)

Tsinghua News


Real-time observation of magnetization and magnon dynamics in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet MnBi2Te4

F. Michael Bartram#, Meng Li#, Liangyang Liu, Zhiming Xu, Yongchao Wang, Mengqian Che, Hao Li, Yang Wu, Yong Xu, Jinsong Zhang, Shuo Yang and Luyi Yang*

Science Bulletin 68, 2734-2742 (2023)

Tsinghua News


Spin coherence and spin relaxation in hybrid organic-inorganic lead- and mixed lead-tin-perovskites

Haochen Zhang, Zehua Zhai, Zhixuan Bi, Han Gao, Meng Ye, Yong Xu, Hairen Tan, Luyi Yang*

Nano Letters 23, 7914–7920 (2023)

Tsinghua News


Electric-field control of reversible electronic and magnetic transitions in two-dimensional oxide monolayer magnets

Guopeng Wang, Tao Hu, Yimin Xiong, Xue Liu, Shengchun Shen, Jianlin Wang, Mengqian Che, Zhangzhang Cui, Yingying Zhang, Luyi Yang, Zhengcao Li, Yalin Lu, Mingliang Tian

Science Bulletin 68, 1632-1639 (2023)


Waves break the symmetry

Luyi Yang

Nature Physics 18, 1389 (2022)

Invited News and Views


Ultrafast coherent interlayer phonon dynamics in atomically thin layers of MnBi2Te4

F. Michael Bartram, Yu-Chen Leng, Yongchao Wang, Liangyang Liu, Xue Chen, Huining Peng, Hao Li, Pu Yu, Yang Wu, Miao-Ling Lin, Jinsong Zhang, Ping-Heng Tan and Luyi Yang*

npj Quantum Materials 7, 84 (2022)

Tsinghua News


Fully compensated synthetic antiferromagnets with pronounced anomalous Hall and magneto-optical responses

Teng Xu, Heng-An Zhou, Yiqing Dong, Qihan Zhang, Mengqian Che, Liangyang Liu, Zhijie Wu, Ziqiang Guan, Luyi Yang, and Wanjun Jiang

Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 044056 (2021)


Resonant optical topological Hall conductivity from skyrmions

Sopheak Sorn, Luyi Yang and Arun Paramekanti

Phys. Rev. B 104, 134419 (2021)


Rapid Kerr imaging characterization of the magnetic properties of two-dimensional ferromagnetic Fe3GeTe2

Li Cai, Chenglin Yu, Liangyang Liu, Wei Xia, Heng-An Zhou, Le Zhao, Yiqing Dong, Teng Xu, Zidong Wang, Yanfeng Guo, Yonggang Zhao, Jinsong Zhang, Luyi Yang, Lexian Yang, and Wanjun Jiang

Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 192401 (2020)


Anomalous Kerr effect in SrRuO3 thin films

F. Michael Bartram#, Sopheak Sorn#, Zhuolu Li#, Kyle Hwangbo, Shengchun Shen, Felix Frontini, Liqun He, Pu Yu*, Arun Paramekanti*, and Luyi Yang*

Phys. Rev. B 102, 140408(R) (2020)


Reversible manipulation of the magnetic state in SrRuO3 through electric-field controlled proton evolution

Zhuolu Li#, Shengchun Shen#, Zijun Tian#, Kyle Hwangbo#, M. Wang, Y. Wang, F. Michael Bartram, Liqun He, Y. Lyu, Y. Dong, G. Wan, H. Li, N. Lu, J. Zang, H. Zhou, E. Arenholz, Q. He, Luyi Yang*, Weidong Luo*, and Pu Yu*

Nature Communications 11, 184 (2020)


Gate controlled spin-valley locking of resident carriers in WSe2 monolayers

P. Dey, Luyi Yang, C. Robert, G. Wang, B. Urbaszek, X. Marie, and S. A. Crooker*

Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 137401 (2017)


Spin coherence and dephasing of localized electrons in monolayer MoS2

Luyi Yang, W. Chen, K. M. McCreary, B. T. Jonker, J. Lou, and S. A. Crooker*

Nano Letters 15, 8250 (2015)


Long-lived nanosecond spin relaxation and spin coherence of electrons in monolayer MoS2 and WS2

Luyi Yang, N. A. Sinitsyn, W. Chen, J. Yuan, J. Zhang, J. Lou, and S. A. Crooker*

Nature Physics 11, 830 (2015)

Selected for LANL Science Highlights


Cross-correlation spin noise spectroscopy of heterogeneous interacting spin systems

D. Roy#, Luyi Yang#, S.A . Crooker*, and N. A. Sinitsyn*

Sci. Rep. 5, 9573 (2015)


Spin noise spectroscopy beyond thermal equilibrium and linear response

P. Glasenapp, N. A. Sinitsyn, Luyi Yang, D. G. Rickel, D. Roy, A. Greilich, M. Bayer, and S. A. Crooker*

Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 156601 (2014)


Two-colour spin noise spectroscopy and fluctuation correlations reveal homogeneous linewidths within quantum-dot ensembles

Luyi Yang, P. Glasenapp, A. Greilich, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, M. Bayer, D. R. Yakovlev, and S. A. Crooker*

Nature Comm. 5, 4949 (2014)

Selected for LANL Science Highlights


Coherent propagation of spin helices in a quantum-well confined electron gas

Luyi Yang*, J. D. Koralek, J. Orenstein, D. R. Tibbetts, J. L. Reno, and M. P. Lilly

Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 246603 (2012)


Doppler velocimetry of spin propagation in a two-dimensional electron gas

Luyi Yang, J. D. Koralek, J. Orenstein*, D. R. Tibbetts, J. L. Reno, and M. P. Lilly

Nature Physics 8, 153 (2012)

Selected for News and Views: Doppler speed gun for spins. G. Vignale, Nature Physics 8, 115 (2012)


Measurement of electron-hole friction in an n-doped GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well using optical transient grating spectroscopy

Luyi Yang, J. D. Koralek, J. Orenstein*, D. R. Tibbetts, J. L. Reno, and M. P. Lilly

Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 247401 (2011)

Editors' Suggestion and Selected for a Viewpoint: Holes in the stream. G. Vignale, Physics 4, 48 (2011)


Random walk approach to spin dynamics in a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit coupling

Luyi Yang*, J. Orenstein, and D.-H. Lee

Phys. Rev. B 82, 155324 (2010)

#: co-first author; *: corresponding author; underline: group member